We compare every provider

We’ve built a better energy buying experience. Here’s how…

Compare energy plans from every provider in your area

Yep - all of them.

Most comparison services only compare suppliers who pay to present their products. We compare all generally available residential electricity and gas market offers from every single energy company in Australia.


At last, a comparison rate for energy

Energy plans can be super complicated, with different tariffs, supply charges, fees, conditional discounts and other financial incentives and credits.

WattPrice combines all this into a simple comparison price. It’s like unit pricing at the supermarket, letting you compare apples to apples. Learn more here.


Privacy friendly, no pesky call backs

You should never have to provide a phone number to compare and view energy plans. We don’t like pushy sales calls either.

Grouply is a Privacy By Design product which means your personal data is yours and yours alone.
